For the last year, I have been busy learning and studying more about the MIND-BODY connection (some call it the PNIE connection, but that still does not encompass the WHOLE) in relation to our CONSCIOUS and SUBCONSCIOUS mind and it has truly been mind blowing and life-transforming. If you have not read my blogs on the Psycho-Neuro-Immune-Endocrine (PNIE) System and the impact of ‘childhood experiences‘ on both physical and mental health, then I would encourage you to do so, as you may then see why I am now offering Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) as a therapy in my practice.
This therapy can be done online or in person, so geography in this day and age is not an issue. You can achieve health within 1-3 sessions using this hybrid form of hypnotherapy for permanent lasting change.
Before I share more about this form of RAPID TRANSFORMATIVE therapy, here are SOME of the ‘conditions’ that can be resolved with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).
Skin conditions
Weight Issues
Thyroid Issues
Auto-immune conditions
Self Sabotage
Toxic Relationships
Self Worth
Whilst I was nearing the end of my studies, I decided to take on some clients for RTT and here are 3 I am sharing today…
Debilitating Anxiety
A client with debilitating anxiety could not leave her house for more than 15 minutes at a time and could only venture out a few feet from the house. She had tried various therapies INCLUDING hypnotherapy and CBT separately. After two sessions of RTT, she is now completely free to live her life from this crippling anxiety. The blocks that were hindering her from healing was the subconscious belief that she ‘does not matter’. Having this belief meant she did not really need to leave the house, as it reinforced her subconscious belief that ‘she did not matter’, therefore she did not have to leave the house, and no one would care or know. Removing the ‘core beliefs’ and re-wiring the subconscious with new beliefs had a profound impact on the debilitating anxiety.
Maddening Migraines
This lady had migraines from puberty and they cleared for a while following the birth of her 3 children and then the migraines returned few years following the birth of her younger child. During the RTT sessions, it was revealed that in order to be ‘good enough’ she had to be a perfectionist. Un-doing this belief system, helped free her from the migraines. The outdated beliefs that she formed during her earlier years were not serving her as an adult, although they may have served her earlier in her life for ‘self-preservation’.
Binge Eating
This lovely client I have known for a few years had various issues with food, from binge eating, doing extreme diets, ‘starving herself’ to then end up obese in her 40s. As a nutritionist, this is something I have seen throughout my years in practice and it has been so clear that no matter how hard one tries to ‘follow a diet or ‘be good’ or be ‘motivated’ the limiting belief systems wired into the subconscious in some of us override all the conscious efforts. After 3 sessions of RTT, this client has not only addressed her obesity BUT she no longer ‘thinks about food the way she has done for the last 30 years’. Her freedom has not only been about shedding weight and feeling more lighter physically, but MORE LIBERATING has been the freedom from the chattering mind and ‘obsession’ with food. Her core beliefs that were erased and shattered were ‘I am not safe’ to a new belief that ‘I am safe and loved’.
So what is Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT)?
RTT is, in essence, a hybrid therapy combining hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, neuroscience linguistic programming and cognitive behavioural therapy which allows you to very rapidly identify deeply embedded blocks and beliefs that stand in the way of living a healthy and vibrant life.
This therapy works with the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. The part of the mind that has been programmed in the early years. In these early years, our beliefs are formed and downloaded into the subconscious driving us for the rest of our lives.
What does an RTT session involve?
A session is anywhere between 1.5hr-2hr in length. It is a simple 4 step process.
Step One: On booking a session you will receive a pre-session recording to listen to daily before the booked session
Step Two: Exploration
Step Three: Understanding is Power
Step Four: Transformational Healing and Freedom
For more on this RTT process CLICK HERE
RTT is founded by Marisa Peer. Marisa is a world-renowned speaker, therapist, and best-selling author with over three decades of experience. This method has so far won 13 awards in the last year and is about to be rolled out in NHS hospitals in New Zealand and is fast becoming the ‘go-to therapy’. The awards also include Pharmaceutical of the year, even though it is not a pharmaceutical, for its recognition of its effectiveness with anxiety and depression.
Book a session HERE or contact me if you have questions. I would be delighted to help you on your life journey.
To great health!