Dear whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter with much disappointment and sadness that the ‘consent form for the Teenage Boosters’ which consists of two single injections has no option to NOT consent (please note all capital letters are for emphasis).
I am sending this letter to NOT CONSENT to my teenager having these two injections. My teenager cannot demonstrate an understanding of the vaccinations that are ‘due’.
He is NOT Gillick competent (more details on this HERE ). I am first a parent, and I am also an educator and a scientist. My teenager does not know
The diseases that these injections are supposed to protect him from
The ingredients in each of these injections
About each virus or bacteria particles being injected into his body
About the innate immune system
About the adaptive immune system
About natural immunity
What an antibody is
That not having antibodies to any of the above ‘pathogens’ does not mean he NOT immune
In nature a child is never exposed to all 7 pathogens in a space of a few minutes let alone a day or weeks or months
The side effects of having these injections
That being allergic and having to carry an epipen makes him more prone to auto-immune conditions if exposed to a plethora of pathogens with some questionable ingredients within these injections
That NO pharmaceutical company, or doctor, or the injector (in this case the immunisation nurse) can be held responsible for any adverse reactions that he may have
That he may be a poor methylator, have a poor phase 1 or 2 detox pathways that can result in him reacting to an injection
If my teenager understood ALL of the above and consented that is a different matter. But a teenager at public or non public secondary school has very little understanding of basic immunology.
I am his parent, his guardian. My child’s health is my responsibility not the responsibility of a school, a local NHS Trust.
I re-iterate that I DO NOT CONSENT to my child to having ANY injections that involve components of pathogens.
If my child is given the injections without my consent, I will be contacting my lawyer as this falls under coercion, and is in breach of medical ethics. I again want to emphasise that my child is NOT Gillick Competent (reasons mentioned above).
If you would like an educated, informed scientist to come and provide workshops to your teenagers from an un-biased perspective, I am happy to arrange this.
These workshops will cover
Each disease,
Each pathogen
What exactly is a vaccine?
The ingredients within the each injection
The difference between natural exposure to these pathogens and exposure via injections
The microbiome (the emerging natural wonder of the immune system,)
The innate immune system
The adaptive immune system
The importance of clean water
The importance of good nutrition in boosting health and preventing disease
The detox pathways that are key in supporting immunity and detoxification following injections
History of the pharmaceutical industry
What if there is a reaction to the injection
What are auto-immune conditions
What if my child carries an epi-pen
I believe in empowering our younger generation to make INFORMED health decisions having understood both the advantages and disadvantages of childhood immunisations.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me regarding NOT consenting my teenager to these injections or to set up teenage workshops.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Khush Mark PhD